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Season 29: Week 2 Results

We’re wrapping up week 2, and what a week it was! Our designers got to sew for the first 2 weeks, and the votes from both weeks 1 and 2 will be tallied up to see who moves into week 3.

The designers are all amazing, and the votes were SO CLOSE this week. There was one tie, and some more VERY close numbers. Just one vote separating in some cases! Here’s your placings from Week 2, and after that, we will share the vote tallies, so you can see who is moving on to Week 3! They will continue to need your support!

Week 2 placements Round 1:

Candice Schoffstall: 1st place

Sara Jean: 2nd place

Anna Buder: Tie for 3rd place

Katie Bolla: Tie for 3rd place

Bekah Adams: 4th place

Steph Carton: 5th place

Week 2 placements Round 2:

Bonnie Flitton: 1st place

Em Getz: 2nd place

Amy Gilane: 3rd place

Nikki Scott: 4th place

Chandy Mueller: 5th place

Liz Velazquez: 6th place

With weeks 1 and 2 added together, our top 6, moving on to next week are:

Candice Schoffstall, Sara Jean, Katie Bolla, Bonnie Flitton, Amy Gilane, and Nikki Scott!!

Congratulations to these amazing designers! We can’t wait to see what next week holds!

Now our least favorite part. We are so sad to see these 6 amazing designers leaving the competition, but they will be going home with amazing prize packages from our sponsors, and are part of the PR&P family now, so you will continue to see their amazing creativity!

Steph Carton, Anna Buder, Bekah Adams, Em Getz, Chandy Mueller, and Liz Velazquez.

Our sponsors make this whole thing way more worthwhile, and we really hope you will check out their shops and support them when you can!

Our sew along is open to anyone who sews for children, so please join in. Maybe you could be in a future season!